
In general whenever you write a command line utility it is worthwhile importing Inform. At a minimum you would use it to report errors to the user in a way that stands out from the normal output of your program because it is in color. From there you can expand your use of Inform in many different directions as appropriate. For example, you can use Inform for all of your textual output to the user so that you can easily turn on logging or implement verbose and quiet modes. You can also use Error directly or you can subclass it to access Inform’s rich exception handling. You can use the various Inform utilities such as the text colors, multiple columns lists, and progress bars.

You can the source text for these examples on GitHub.

Find Debug Functions

This utility examines all python files in the current directory and all subdirectories looking for files that contain the various debug functions (aaa(), ddd(), ppp(), sss(), and vvv()) etc.) and then it opens those files in the Vim editor. This allows you to easily remove these functions after you are finished debugging your code.

The places where Inform is used are marked with the inform comment at the end of the line.

To get the prerequisites for this example, run:

> pip3 install --user --upgrade docopt inform shlib
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Search through all python files in current working directory and all
subdirectories and edit those that contain any Inform debug functions (aaa,
ddd, ppp, sss, vvv).  Use *n* to search for debug functions, and *^n* to go
to next file.  Going to the next file automatically writes the current file
if any changes were made.

    fdb [options]

    -l, --list              list the files rather than edit them
    -c, --ignore-comments   ignore debug functions that are commented out
    -t, --ignore-tests      ignore test files (files that begin with `test_`)

from docopt import docopt
from inform import display, os_error, terminate                    ## inform
import re
from shlib import lsf, Run, set_prefs

debug_functions = 'aaa ddd ppp sss vvv'.split()
find_all = re.compile(r'\b({})\('.format('|'.join(debug_functions)))
find_no_comments = re.compile(r'^[^#]*\b({})\('.format('|'.join(debug_functions)), re.M)
vim = 'vim'
vim_search = r'\<\({}\)('.format(r'\|'.join(debug_functions))
vim_flags = 'aw nofen'.split()   # autowrite, disable folds
vim_options = 'set {}'.format(' '.join(vim_flags))
# Configure ctrl-N to move to first occurrence of search string in next file
# while suppressing the annoying 'press enter' message and echoing the
# name of the new file so you know where you are.
next_file_map = 'map <C-N> :silent next +//<CR> :file<CR>'
search_pattern = 'silent /{}'.format(vim_search)

cmdline = docopt(__doc__)

# determine which files contains any debug function
matches = []
for filepath in lsf(select='**/*.py', reject='inform.py'):
    if cmdline['--ignore-tests']:
        if filepath.name.startswith('test_'):
    finder = find_no_comments if cmdline['--ignore-comments'] else find_all
        contents = filepath.read_text()
        if finder.search(contents):
    except OSError as e:
        error(os_error(e))                                         ## inform
if not matches:
    terminate()                                                    ## inform

if cmdline['--list']:
    display(*matches, sep='\n')                                    ## inform
    terminate()                                                    ## inform

# edit the files
cmd = [
    '+{}'.format('|'.join([vim_options, next_file_map, search_pattern]))
] + matches
    Run(cmd, modes='soeW')
except Error as e:                                                 ## inform
    e.terminate()                                                  ## inform

Add Keys to SSH Agent

Imagine you have multiple SSH keys, such as your personal keys, work keys, github key, key for your remote backups, etc. For convenience, you might want to add all of these keys to your SSH agent when you first login. This can become quite tedious. This script could be used load all of the keys to your agent in one simple action. It assumes the use of the Avendesora Collaborative Password Manager to securely hold the pass phrases of the keys.

You would put the name of your SSH keys in SSHkeys. The program steps through each key, accessing the passphrase and key file name from Avendesora, then pexpect interacts with ssh-add to add the passphrase to the SSH agent.

The places where Inform is used are marked with the inform comment at the end of the line. Avendesora uses Inform, and its PasswordError is a subclass of Error.

To get the prerequisites for this example, run:

> pip3 install --user --upgrade avendesora docopt inform pathlib pexpect

You will also have to update the SSHkeys variable below and add the requisite alias and keyfile attributes to the Avendesora accounts that contain your SSH pass phrases.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Add SSH keys

Add SSH keys to SSH agent.
The following keys are added: {keys}.

    addsshkeys [options]

    -v, --verbose    list the keys as they are being added

A description of how to configure and use this program can be found at
# Assumes that the Avendesora account that contains the ssh key's passphrase
# has a name or alias of the form <name>-ssh-key. It also assumes that the
# account contains a field named 'keyfile' or 'keyfiles' that contains an
# absolute path or paths to the ssh key files in a string.

from avendesora import PasswordGenerator, PasswordError
from inform import Inform, codicil, conjoin, error, narrate        ## inform
from docopt import docopt
from pathlib import Path
import pexpect

SSHkeys = 'personal work github backups'.split()
SSHadd = 'ssh-add'

cmdline = docopt(__doc__.format(keys = conjoin(SSHkeys)))          ## inform
Inform(narrate=cmdline['--verbose'])                               ## inform

    pw = PasswordGenerator()
except PasswordError as e:                                         ## inform
    e.terminate()                                                  ## inform

for key in SSHkeys:
    name = key + '-ssh-key'
        account = pw.get_account(name)
        passphrase = str(account.get_passcode().value)
        if account.has_field('keyfiles'):
            keyfiles = account.get_value('keyfiles').value
            keyfiles = account.get_value('keyfile').value
        for keyfile in keyfiles.split():
            path = Path(keyfile).expanduser()
            narrate('adding.', culprit=keyfile)                    ## inform
                sshadd = pexpect.spawn(SSHadd, [str(path)])
                sshadd.expect('Enter passphrase for %s: ' % (path), timeout=4)
                response = sshadd.before.decode('utf-8')
                if 'identity added' in response.lower():
            except (pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT):
            error('failed.', culprit=path)                         ## inform
            response = sshadd.before.decode('utf8')
            if response:
                codicil('response:', response, culprit=SSHadd)     ## inform
            if sshadd.exitstatus:
                codicil('exit status:', sshadd.exitstatus , culprit=SSHadd)
                                                                   ## inform
    except PasswordError as e:
        e.report(culprit=name)                                     ## inform

Status of Solar Energy System

This utility prints the current status of an Enphase home solar array.

The places where Inform is used are marked with the inform comment at the end of the line.

To get the prerequisites for this example, run:

> pip3 install --user --upgrade docopt inform quantiphy arrow requests

You will also have to tailor the values of the system, api_key and user_id variables to your account.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Solar Production

Displays current production of my solar panels.

    solar [options]

    -f, --full   give full report
    -q, --quiet  no text output, exit status is zero if array status is normal
    -r, --raw    output the raw data

# Imports
from docopt import docopt
from inform import display, fatal, render, terminate, Color        ## inform
from quantiphy import Quantity
from textwrap import dedent
import arrow
import requests
date_keys = 'operational_at last_report_at last_interval_end_at'.split()
power_keys = 'size_w current_power'.split()
energy_keys = 'energy_today energy_lifetime'.split()
status_key = 'status'
normal = Color('green')                                            ## inform
abnormal = Color('red')                                            ## inform

# Parameters
system = '1736719'
api_key = '6ff307fb00660f4c030b45b2fc1dabc5'
user_id = '24e03c5d24c2d0a7fb43b2ef68'
base_url = f'https://api.enphaseenergy.com/api/v2/systems/{system}'
keys = dict(key = api_key, user_id = user_id)

# Program
    cmdline = docopt(__doc__)
    command = 'summary'
    keys = '&'.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in keys.items())
    url = f'{base_url}/{command}?{keys}'
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()

    # output the raw data and terminate
    if cmdline['--raw']:
        display(render(data))                                      ## inform
        terminate(data[status_key] != 'normal')                    ## inform

    # process dates
    for each in date_keys:
        if each in data:
            date_utc = arrow.get(data[each])
            date_local = date_utc.to('US/Pacific')
            data[each] = date_local.format('dddd, YYYY-MM-DD @ hh:mm:ss A')

    # process powers
    for each in power_keys:
        if each in data:
            data[each] = Quantity(data[each], 'W')
    data['utilization'] = Quantity(100*data['current_power']/data['size_w'], '%')

    # process energies
    for each in energy_keys:
        if each in data:
            data[each] = Quantity(data[each], 'Wh')

    # process status
    raw_status = data.get(status_key)
    if raw_status == 'normal':
        data[status_key] = normal(raw_status)                      ## inform
    elif raw_status:
        data[status_key] = abnormal(raw_status)                    ## inform

    # display information
    if cmdline['--quiet']:
        # do not display anything, instead return status through exit code
    elif cmdline['--full']:
        for k, v in data.items():
            display(k, v, template='{}: {}')                       ## inform
        display(dedent('''                                         ## inform
            date: {last_report_at}
            status: {status}
            power: {current_power} ({utilization:.1p})
            energy today: {energy_today}
            energy lifetime: {energy_lifetime}

except requests.RequestException as e:
    fatal(e)                                                       ## inform
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    terminate()                                                    ## inform
terminate(raw_status != 'normal')                                  ## inform

A typical output of the utility is:

date: Friday, 2018-10-12 @ 03:36:45 PM
status: normal
power: 1.48 kW (44 %)
energy today: 15.2 kWh
energy lifetime: 2.71 MWh

Run Command

This function runs a command and captures it output. It uses Inform’s rich exceptions. If something goes wrong while invoking the command then all relevant information is attached to the exception and so is available to help build the most informative error message. In this way, the code that is responsible for reporting the problem to the user can adapt to the errant command reports its errors (some commands just return an exit status, some output the error in stderr, some in stdout).

from inform import Error, narrate, os_error                        ## inform
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def run(cmd, stdin='', accept=0):
    "Run a command and capture its output."
    narrate('running:', cmd)                                       ## inform

        process = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = process.communicate(stdin.encode('utf8'))
        stdout = stdout.decode('utf8')
        stderr = stderr.decode('utf8')
        status = process.returncode
    except OSError as e:
        raise Error(msg=os_error(e), cmd=cmd, template='{msg}')    ## inform

    # check exit status
    narrate('completion status:', status)                          ## inform
    if status < 0 or status > accept:
        raise Error(                                               ## inform
            msg = 'unexpected exit status',
            status = status,
            stdout = stdout.rstrip(),
            stderr = stderr.rstrip(),
            cmd = cmd,
            template = '{msg} ({status}).'
    return status, stdout, stderr

    status, stdout, stderr = run('unobtanium')
except Error as e:                                                 ## inform
    e.terminate(culprit=e.cmd, codicil=e.stderr)                   ## inform

The output to this command would be something like this:

error: unobtanium: unexpected exit status (127).
    /bin/sh: unobtanium: command not found


This utility use the Avendesora Collaborative Password Manager to keep track of the value of assets and liabilities that together make up ones networth.

To get the prerequisites for this example, run:

> pip3 install --user --upgrade docopt inform quantiphy arrow requests appdirs
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Description

Show a summary of the networth of the specified person.

    networth [options] [<profile>]

    -u, --updated           show the account update date rather than breakdown

Settings can be found in: {settings_dir}.
Typically there is one file for generic settings named 'config' and then one
file for each profile whose name is the same as the profile name with a '.prof'
suffix.  Each of the files may contain any setting, but those values in 'config'
override those built in to the program, and those in the individual profiles
override those in 'config'. The following settings are understood. The values
are those before an individual profile is applied.

Profile values:
    default_profile = {default_profile}

Account values:
    avendesora_fieldname = {avendesora_fieldname}
    value_updated_subfieldname = {value_updated_subfieldname}
    date_formats = {date_formats}
    max_account_value_age = {max_account_value_age}  (in days)
    aliases = {aliases}
        (aliases is used to fix account names to make them more readable)

Cryptocurrency values:
    coins = {coins}
    prices_filename = {prices_filename}
    max_coin_price_age = {max_coin_price_age}  (in seconds)

Bar graph values:
    screen_width = {screen_width}
    asset_color = {asset_color}
    debt_color = {debt_color}

The prices and log files can be found in {cache_dir}.

A description of how to configure and use this program can be found at

# Imports
from avendesora import PasswordGenerator, PasswordError
from avendesora.gpg import PythonFile
from inform import (                                               ## inform
    conjoin, display, done, error, fatal, is_str, join, narrate, os_error,
    render_bar, terminate, warn, Color, Error, Inform,
from quantiphy import Quantity
from docopt import docopt
from appdirs import user_config_dir, user_cache_dir
from pathlib import Path
import arrow

# Settings
# These can be overridden in ~/.config/networth/config
prog_name = 'networth'
config_filename = 'config'

# Avendesora settings
default_profile = 'me'
avendesora_fieldname = 'estimated_value'
value_updated_subfieldname = 'updated'
aliases = {}

# cryptocurrency settings (empty coins to disable cryptocurrency support)
proxy = None
prices_filename = 'prices'
coins = None
max_coin_price_age = 86400  # refresh cache if older than this (seconds)

# bar settings
screen_width = 79
asset_color = 'green'
debt_color = 'red'
    # currently we only colorize the bar because ...
    # - it is the only way of telling whether value is positive or negative
    # - trying to colorize the value really messes with the column widths and is
    #     not attractive

# date settings
date_formats = [
    'MMMM YYYY',
max_account_value_age = 120  # days

# Utility functions
# get the age of an account value
def get_age(date, profile):
    if date:
        for fmt in date_formats:
                then = arrow.get(date, fmt)
                age = arrow.now() - then
                return age.days
    warn(                                                          ## inform
        'could not compute age of account value',
        '(updated missing or misformatted).',
        culprit = profile

# colorize text
def colorize(value, text = None):
    if text is None:
        text = str(value)
    return debt_color(text) if value < 0 else asset_color(text)

    # Initialization
    settings_dir = Path(user_config_dir(prog_name))
    cache_dir = user_cache_dir(prog_name)
    Inform(logfile=Path(cache_dir, 'log'))                         ## inform
    display.log = False   # do not log normal output               ## inform

    # Read generic settings
    config_filepath = Path(settings_dir, config_filename)
    if config_filepath.exists():
        narrate('reading:', config_filepath)                       ## inform
        settings = PythonFile(config_filepath)
        narrate('not found:', config_filepath)                     ## inform

    # Read command line and process options
    available=set(p.stem for p in settings_dir.glob('*.prof'))
    if len(available) > 1:
        choose_from = f'Choose <profile> from {conjoin(sorted(available))}.'
                                                                   ## inform
        default = f'The default is {default_profile}.'
        available_profiles = f'{choose_from} {default}\n'
        available_profiles = ''

    cmdline = docopt(__doc__.format(
    show_updated = cmdline['--updated']
    profile = cmdline['<profile>'] if cmdline['<profile>'] else default_profile
    if profile not in available:
        fatal(                                                     ## inform
            'unknown profile.', choose_from, template=('{} {}', '{}'),

    # Read profile settings
    config_filepath = Path(user_config_dir(prog_name), profile + '.prof')
    if config_filepath.exists():
        narrate('reading:', config_filepath)                       ## inform
        settings = PythonFile(config_filepath)
        narrate('not found:', config_filepath)                     ## inform

    # Process the settings
    if is_str(date_formats):                                       ## inform
        date_formats = [date_formats]
    asset_color = Color(asset_color)                               ## inform
    debt_color = Color(debt_color)                                 ## inform

    # Get cryptocurrency prices
    if coins:
        import requests

        cache_valid = False
        cache_dir = Path(cache_dir)
        cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        prices_cache = Path(cache_dir, prices_filename)
        if prices_cache and prices_cache.exists():
            now = arrow.now()
            age = now.timestamp - prices_cache.stat().st_mtime
            cache_valid = age < max_coin_price_age
        if cache_valid:
            contents = prices_cache.read_text()
            prices = Quantity.extract(contents)
            narrate('coin prices are current:', prices_cache)      ## inform
            narrate('updating coin prices')                        ## inform
            # download latest asset prices from cryptocompare.com
            currencies = dict(
                fsyms=','.join(coins),     # from symbols
                tsyms='USD',               # to symbols
            url_args = '&'.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in currencies.items())
            base_url = f'https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemulti'
            url = '?'.join([base_url, url_args])
                r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy)
            except Exception as e:
                # must catch all exceptions as requests.get() can generate
                # a variety based on how it fails, and if the exception is not
                # caught the thread dies.
                raise Error('cannot access cryptocurrency prices:', codicil=str(e))
                                                                   ## inform
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                done()                                             ## inform

                data = r.json()
                raise Error('cryptocurrency price download was garbled.')
                                                                   ## inform
            prices = {k: Quantity(v['USD'], '$') for k, v in data.items()}

            if prices_cache:
                contents = '\n'.join('{} = {}'.format(k,v) for k,v in
                narrate('updating coin prices:', prices_cache)     ## inform
        prices['USD'] = Quantity(1, '$')
        prices = {}

    # Build account summaries
    narrate('running avendesora')                                  ## inform
    pw = PasswordGenerator()
    totals = {}
    accounts = {}
    total_assets = Quantity(0, '$')
    total_debt = Quantity(0, '$')
    grand_total = Quantity(0, '$')
    width = 0
    for account in pw.all_accounts():

        # get data
        data = account.get_composite(avendesora_fieldname)
        if not data:
        if type(data) != dict:
            error(                                                 ## inform
                'expected a dictionary.',
                culprit=(account_name, avendesora_fieldname)

        # get account name
        account_name = account.get_name()
        account_name = aliases.get(account_name, account_name)
        account_name = account_name.replace('_', ' ')
        width = max(width, len(account_name))

        # sum the data
        updated = None
        contents = {}
        total = Quantity(0, '$')
        odd_units = False
        for k, v in data.items():
            if k == value_updated_subfieldname:
                updated = v
            if k in prices:
                value = Quantity(v*prices[k], prices[k])
                k = 'cryptocurrency'
                value = Quantity(v, '$')
            if value.units == '$':
                total = total.add(value)
                odd_units = True
            contents[k] = value.add(contents.get(k, 0))
            width = max(width, len(k))
        for k, v in contents.items():
            totals[k] = v.add(totals.get(k, 0))

        # generate the account summary
        age = get_age(data.get(value_updated_subfieldname), account_name)
        if show_updated:
            desc = updated
            desc = ', '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in contents.items() if v)
            if len(contents) == 1 and not odd_units:
                desc = k
            if age and age > max_account_value_age:
                desc += f' ({age//30} months old)'
        accounts[account_name] = join(                             ## inform
            total, desc.replace('_', ' '),
            template=('{:7q} {}', '{:7q}'), remove=(None,'')

        # sum assets and debts
        if total > 0:
            total_assets = total_assets.add(total)
            total_debt = total_debt.add(-total)
        grand_total = grand_total.add(total)

    # Summarize by account
    display('By Account:')                                         ## inform
    for name in sorted(accounts):
        summary = accounts[name]
        display(f'{name:>{width+2}s}: {summary}')                  ## inform

    # Summarize by investment type
    display('\nBy Type:')                                          ## inform
    largest_share = max(v for v in totals.values() if v.units == '$')
    barwidth = screen_width - width - 18
    for asset_type in sorted(totals, key=lambda k: totals[k], reverse=True):
        value = totals[asset_type]
        if value.units != '$':
        share = value/grand_total
        bar = render_bar(value/largest_share, barwidth)            ## inform
        asset_type = asset_type.replace('_', ' ')
        display(f'{asset_type:>{width+2}s}: {value:>7s} ({share:>5.1%}) {bar}')
                                                                   ## inform
    display(                                                       ## inform
        f'{grand_total:>7s} (assets = {total_assets}, debt = {total_debt})'

# Handle exceptions
except OSError as e:
    error(os_error(e))                                             ## inform
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    terminate('Killed by user.')                                   ## inform
except (PasswordError, Error) as e:                                ## inform
    e.terminate()                                                  ## inform
done()                                                             ## inform

The output of this program should look something like this:

By Account:
          ameritrade:   $705k equities=$315k, cash=$389k
            pnc bank:  $21.3k cash
        john hancock:    $80k equities
              praxis:  $55.7k equities
         oppenheimer:   $134k equities
           tiaa cref:    $93k retirement
          black rock:  $98.4k equities
               pimco:   $211k equities
            jpmorgan:  $12.9k equities
            hartford:    $31k equities
    american century:   $914k equities

By Type:
            equities:  $1.85M (78.6%) ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
                cash:   $411k (17.4%) ███████████████▉
          retirement:    $93k ( 3.9%) ███▌

               TOTAL:  $2.36M (assets = $2.36M, debt = $0)